Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Countdown to the End: Death Dome


Whether you call it the T-virus, the Z-virus or the M-virus it makes no difference, they all have the same thing in common. Every one of those viruses transform human beings into something sinister, something primal.

Zombies are played out, so I’m glad this next game doesn’t actually do the whole zombie apocalypse thing.

The game for today is called Death Dome. It’s a post-apocalyptic hack and slash that has a lot in common with Dragon Slayer. In fact, if you’ve played Dragon Slayer then you already know how Death Dome plays, considering they use the same battle mechanics.

Death Dome Battling Behemoths

The “M” virus… Most people who showed symptoms were dead within days…but others weren’t so lucky. Mutations were showing up all over the city. The infected were quarantined in a bio-dome force field that encased the city of Palamira. Some called it a “safe zone”, but most know it as the Death Dome. The M virus grew stronger inside the Death Dome and eventually became strong enough to live on its own without a host. Strong enough to become…The Behemoths!

It goes without saying that Death Dome story takes place after the world has been ravaged by the M-virus. You play as a Phoenix, a strong woman who has been affected by the M-virus mutations. The common goal is to eliminate all the mutated baddies, and behemoths so that you and the rest of the survivors can escape the Death Dome.

The main gameplay in Death Dome is the hack and slash battles that you will participate in. Just like in Dragon Slayer, you attack enemies by slashing the screen in different directions with your finger. You can also dodge attacks, deflect them and block. By blocking, parrying or dodging at the appropriate times the enemies, you are facing become more vulnerable. When they’re exposed, you’re free to attack them with a whole slew of combos.

A battle in Death Dome

As you battle, you also build up a unique energy bar called Flux. Once your Flux capacity reaches 100%, you can unleash a Flux attack (very original terms here). A Flux attack essentially allows you a few seconds to unleash attacks on your enemies while they are stunned, and at the end you can perform a powerful finishing attack.

Obviously, Death Dome isn’t just about the intense hack and slash battles. Before each enemy appears, you are given a few seconds to scavenge the levels for coins and resources. This is done by tapping continuously on an icon that displays on the screen.

Scavenging Levels in Death Dome

Behind the scenes, you can upgrade armor, weapons, and equip unique charms to gain special abilities and statistics. Leveling your character is fairly straightforward, as each level you achieve more HP is automatically added to Phoenix.

Upgrading Pheonix in Death Dome

Like the other games I’ve talked about in the Countdown to the end series, Death Dome is free. That also means that the in-game segment sees a freemium sales model. There are portions of the game that will require you to grind for extended periods of time to get enough money so that you can buy better equipment to progress. That is, of course if you don’t want to spend any real world cash for in-game currency.

Dragon Slayer uses the same exact freemium model for digital goods, so if you’ve played that game then you know how Death Dome operates.

Personally, I think the battles are compelling enough to warrant the long hours of grinding that is required to advance. For others, this may not be the case.

Still, it’s hard to deny the usefulness in Death Dome. It’s a brilliant way to prepare for the impending apocalypse. You can chop and cut all kinds of baddies with weapons like a stop sign, and shields like a car door. While this may not be the most realistic form of equipment ever included in a game, it clearly teaches you to utilize your surroundings and take advantage of whatever resources you can.

Of course, you’re not actually scavenging for any resources in Death Dome so you’ll have to build up those skills another way.

The post-apocalyptic world in Death Dome

If you'd like to give Death Dome a try, you can find it in the Google Play store.

Death Dome Trailer

View the original article here

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